artistHow To Protect Your Business From Con Artist's 2018

How To Protect Your Business From Con Artist’s 2018!

In today’s home based business blog post we will be looking at how you can how you can protect and prevent con artist from harming your business in 2018. If, like many of us, you’re a home based business owner, you know that there are many hooks and con artist’s out there in the world ready to take some business away from you in 2018. If you’re new at it or still thinking about opening a home based business then hear this out! Con artist’s do exist in business and they will take your money if they can from you. If you don’t take chances in life you’re not going to win big in your very own home based business in 2018. You stand to make much better money working for yourself and you’re sure to be much happier being your own bos than woking the dreaded 9 to 5 job you hate or can’t stand. Like anything in this World, you just need to be aware of what’s really going on in your business arrangements thats all.

Now in 2018, It makes sense not to be naive and think that everybody is a nice person out there in the business world. This is BUSINESS! The rules are that most businesses are dependable and trustworthy in 99.999% of all cases. They value your long term opinion of them because they are fully aware of your potential ability to bring (or prevent) business for them in the future even customer can do the same too. A saying in business goes ‘if you’ll only do business with people that you trust then don’t bother trying to do business’ in 2018. Here are a few tips to help keep your eyes open for the con artist in 2018.

Step 1 .  Business Partners – Now business partners can range anywhere from your best friend to a financial consultant to a franchise business. When it comes to partnership arrangements in business be very careful, NEVER accept a word of mouth arrangement for any arrangment or agreement. Even if your partner is your very best friend, make sure that written legal agreements are drawn up that specify in detail the ownership, compensation and responsibilities of each party in the agreement. Make sure the agreement is signed in the presence of witnesses who could be called into court and properly notarized everything said and agreed to. Also, be wary of payment in stocks or stock options when you don’t have control over company stock shares or options.

Step 2 . SPAM. How many times have you purchased something from an email advertisemen in 2018t? So, who do you think makes money from the endless onslaught of email SPAM? Usually, it’s the companies doing the SPAMing and not the companies who they are supposedly trying to sell products for. In general, if you see *one* given company using the same advertising over and over, it’s working. Otherwise, it’s probably not. Of course a business that does no marketing is doomed to a dismal failure sooner than rather later. However, don’t be duped by fast talking advertisers. Quite often, they make the money, not you unless they can prove their income figures and have real products to sell in 218!

Step 3 . Now, being in business for yourself can be very liberating and quite lucrative in 2018. But business is about making money. Most of us believe that we can do better for ourselves by engaging in genuine ecommerce by setting up your very own home based business in 2018. That is, we provide a genuine product or service for a price at or near the monetary market value of the product or service that we provide to customers. That’s what we call a ‘win win’ situation. Both the provider and the purchaser end up pleased with the outcome of the deal. However, there are business dealers who deem it entirely ethical to take whatever they can from you, whether legally or illegally as long as they don’t get hurt. Always be wary of business dealings like this. Try to work, within reason, with people who have already proven their trustworthiness and always try to foresee every potential outcome of any business deal you intend to engage. At the end of teh day it is your business and you have a duty of care towards it in 2018. I know people may say, Why set up a home based business and go through all the hassel anyway?

Step 4 . My answear to these people is this, thw whole country is built on the backs of hard working businessmen and businesswomen who set up and operated their very own business which have become so successful that now they are hose hold names on the high st. Owning a business is not a right but a duty for any man or women who can take the knock downs and still get up for more that is the rule of success which is to never give up in 2018! For example a medical professional may earns a very high six figure sum per year on year as she works for a national medical organisation. Now lets say they earns £100,000.00 per year now compare this with your home based business in some cases some of my readers earn £1,000,000.00 to £10,000,000.00 or more per year and beyond. You tell me which is better £100,000.00 or £1,000,000.00 to £10,000,000.00 per year?

Not everyone is going to earn millions per year unless they work very, very hard 24/7 and after some year they may get there but I am talking about well established home based business whih are making a £million or £2 million per year without even trying and you can do the same too in 2018! You just need to know who, thats all!

I hope you have found this home business blog post useful, any question, comments or feedback you may have please do leave your comments in the below comments section and we will try to answer all your question in regards to this article very soon.

Copyright © 2018 Mr. Tony Ricco Gucinari

By My Business Training School 2022

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