fighting onI hope you have found this home business blog post useful, any question, comments or feedback you may have please do leave your comments in the below comments section and we will try to answer all our question in regards to this article very soon. Copyright © 2018 Mr. Tony Ricco Gucinari

How To Keep On Fighting On For Your Business Success Today

In today’s home-based business blog post we will be look at how you can keep fighting on for your business success today in 2018. I can speak from my personal business life experience and I can say this with 100% certainty, If you don’t want to get humiliated, make short term losses or face a barrage of insult and people talking about you and your business. Both in bad time or rarely good times it can be very hard for you to be successful in the world of business unless you follow the following golden rules in 2018.

If I was paid £1.00 sterling for every time I heard my ex friends, family and work colleagues or ex partners tell me you can’t do this or can’t do that, I would be a very rich man indeed. You see this world is fill with negative people who do not have the backbone, guts or blood to start their very own business but however are quick to point out which business they believe will do well or not based on their hocus pocus negative thinking.

I always ask people would you go into your local Doctor surgery and ask you doctor if he knows how to do your annual business returns, financial statement or even a profit or loss statement? You see unless the Doctor runs his own business in most cases the Doctor will not have a clue as most of the people in the U.K they are paid employees unless self employed.

My Top 10 Golden Rule Not To Give Up and Keep On Fighting In 2018

  1. You must visualise the bigger picture, do not just see the foot hills see the peak of the highest mountain in the world which of course is Everest.
  2. Cut contact with negative people and never go back to them either in social circles or for advise. The reason for this is very simple negative people rarely commit to anything of great value in the sense of starting their very own business but in most cases will put you down before you have had your first project off the ground.
  3. Never Give Up, this is very important no matter what happens you must be never give up on your business goals, success or objectives as your business will count on you in the early days.
  4. Be hard nosed, hard skinned and a bit of a shit in a good manner in order to basically not care about anyone or anything unless it is their for your disposal on your journey for your business success.
  5. Always stick to you journey and life plan and do not change course even temporary, you see most people will start something but they will not finish their work, task or project that is the difference between the winners and the loser as winner always win in most cases.
  6. Make time for you and your business if you have an important business meeting go to the meeting but make sure you make time either in a break or on the train or some how to keep on top of your business projects in 2018.
  7. Never let you family or even your partner get in the way of your business success if you can put it off telling them what you are up to please do as telling them as I have mentioned in my previous blog post can cause some issue later down the line in your relationship unless the partner is 100% fully supportive of you.
  8. Use technology to your aid never lose sight of this very important tool of the modern business man or business women which should be a smart mobile phone, desktop PC and Laptop plus online cloud computing and the use of data centres. You see you business one day maybe valued and worth Millions if not hundreds of Millions or possible Billions of pounds within time. Technology can aid your business success in 2018.
  9. Care about your business and be careful who you tell about your business until you are ready to launch as one day when the time is right you business will thank you with a big fat pay day plus many more pay day like that to come if you do the basic first.
  10. Always research ways to improve your business management, operations and marketing to make your business more streamline and therefore save on overheads, cost and wastage in 2018.

I hope you have found this home business blog post useful, any question, comments or feedback you may have please do leave your comments in the below comments section and we will try to answer all our question in regards to this article very soon.

Copyright © 2018 Mr. Tony Ricco Gucinari

By My Business Training School 2022

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