May, 2018

How To Pass The Mirror Test For Your Home Based Business In 2018

How To Pass The Mirror Test For Your Home Based Business In 2018

How To Pass The Mirror Test For Your Home Based Business In 2018

In today home based business blog post we will be looking at how you can pass the mirror test in 2018, YES I am talking about the Mirror test and if you have not heard about this concept before please continue. The mirror test for me and my business is every time I look into the mirror each and every single day I wake up and just before I go to sleep, Can I honestly say to myself looking in the mirror that I did all that I can do, that was humanly possible for me, to increase my chances of becoming very successful today and for my future tomorrow?

Life in general is a TEST! you see you will have two groups of businessmen and businesswomen on the one hand you will have the “Losers” who will blame everything and everyone under the sun for why they weren’t successful at their business. Then you will be faced with the other group of businessmen and businesswomen who kept on going and never gave up even against unspeakable odds, yet they became successful in some cases extremely successful in 2018!

You job for today is very simple, if you wish to accept this task and I would highly recommend that you do, it goes something like this, please read the below sentence. Before going to sleep and first thing after you wake up each and every single day of your life and your chances of becoming successful can increase quite dramatically in 2018!

I make a promise to the man or women looking in this mirror, that I will give 150% of my time, energy and passion to complete tasks that I undertake which will increase my chances of success today and my future!

I hope you have found this home business blog post useful, any question, comments or feedback you may have please do leave your comments in the below comments section and we will try to answer all your question in regards to this article very soon.

Copyright © 2018 Mr. Tony Ricco Gucinari

How To Stay Fit and Healthy For Your Home Based Business In 2018

How To Stay Fit and Healthy For Your Home Based Business In 2018

How To Stay Fit and Healthy For Your Business In 2018

In today’s home-based business blog post we will be looking at how you can stay fit and healthy for your business today in 2018. This is very important as the topic of health can have a great impact on your business success in 2018. I recently started a fitness and healthy life change and it has had a great impact on how I do business not only do I have more energy and stamina which you need for business but also I am more relaxed and happier as a direct result of this change in my personal life. However I know alotof both businessmen and businesswomen who do not stick to any form of fitness, exercise or healthly living lifestyle and then wonder why they are more tired, exhausted and they don’t seem to get the job done on time for their business.

Having a fitness schedule helps like 10 minuesin the morning for a run, 10 minutes light weight lifting then in the late evening repeat the same and more up a gear when you get fit. It is not rocket science staying fit and healthly also make use of health app on the android market. Some of the health app I personally use are samsung health, heart rate monitors and blood presure monitors it also good to know your vital signs and their readings on a daily basis as if any issue does arrise you can be quick to respond to it.

Some people I meet in business and private leave matter to the very last minute before they ever do something about them in 2018 I would advise you to take action early to see the result that your fitness and healthy in parts has a big big impact on your business success today in 2018!

I hope you have found this home business blog post useful, any question, comments or feedback you may have please do leave your comments in the below comments section and we will try to answer all your question in regards to this article very soon.

Copyright © 2018 Mr. Tony Ricco Gucinari

Just Keep Moving Forward and Never Look Back In 2018!

Just Keep Moving Forward and Never Look Back In 2018!

Never Give Up ! You Can Do This!

In today’s home based business blog post I will talk more about what you have to do today right here, right now to become more successful and rich in the next  60 months time. Now you maybe thinking, “oh, 60 months, time? thats far away?” let me tell you some no nonsense advise. If you want to truly be successful and become rich you must look at your current friends, family and situation and find out why you have not achieved what you wanted in life at this moment in time. Yes I say moment in time as you can alway change your life in the next second so be very wise about this point and really study your current situation!

In order to become successful you MUST assess WHY YOU have not become successful at this moment in time, please do not skip this process as this is one of the most important step you can do to become successful in 60 months time. Or in other words within 5 years time, The issue could be a lack of skills or advise, or will-power plus negative influences in your personal life. Please you must at all cost cut these negative influence out and start with a brand new day and say today I will never look back I will just keep moving forward to my success, I can do this!  You may find that you lack guidance or a mentor those can be acquired, you must change for your future and that of your future partner and a happer and more successful future in 5 years time which is 60 months and boy time goes fast.

The issue is people have no patience and put task off for the next day the ssue is that tomorrow  never comes around as something else will pop up like a new appointment, meeting or event you must go to and in the end you forget that you can ever achieve a change in your life which in 5 years time can make you more successful than you could ever imagine in 2018!  I know of my mistakes in life, boy I made some big and small mistakes in my life but it was a great teacher that once told me, Your a great young man with a good head on your shoulders never be ashamed of who you are, I believe in you and Yes You Can Do It! I will never forget those words of the teacher at my secondary school 24 years ago. Those powerful words froze for me in time in 1994 and will forever stay with in my life as they have a purpose to allow me to push forward regardless of what life throws at me in 2018!

My goal is to become of the world top publisher in my niche market and trust me when I say I will never stop until I have achieved this goal in life or die trying. You have to understand life is a like art either you have the passion for it or you don’t!

I hope you have found this home business blog post useful, any question, comments or feedback you may have please do leave your comments in the below comments section and we will try to answer all your question in regards to this article very soon.

Copyright © 2018 Mr. Tony Ricco Gucinari


How To Set Up A Free Telephone Payment system Your Business in 2018

How To Set Up A Free Telephone Payment system Your Business in 2018

How To Set Up A Free Telephone Payment system Your Business in 2018

In today’s home-based business blog post, we will be looking at the way you can get around using payment service providers to handle all your payment needs for your home-based business. I know for a fact if you have less than 10 employees in your business some payment service provider will see you as a risk and low return on their service and will not offer you the service in the first place. As the more employees, you have an agent processing your customers pay for your business the more the payment service providers can charge you per payment in 2018.

I believe I have found a cheaper option for you today and it will cost little or next to nothing to implement for your home based business today in 2018! For example, let say you are the owner of your home-based business and you employ 7 to 10 employees to work for your firm. You have an online store, a company website, and sale website which are linked to Paypal. But over time you have noticed that you are taking more and more calls from customer and processing payments over the telephone too by sending out order forms in the post.

There is a faster and cheaper way to do this and it means using your existing online store I personally use Opencart which is one of the fastest growing eCommerce systems for business who wish to open their very own online store today in 2018. With Opencart unlike other forms of an online store where you have to pay either a monthly subscription which is true for Shopify and most other or pay a percentage of your product sale which again is true for Paypal. Now the difference with Opencart hence its popularity is that you do not pay a monthly subscription or a percentage of your sales to Opencart, not at all. How Opencart makes their money is charging a one-time fee for you to buy their themes which you do need in order to set up you Opencart, some themes can cost $39 to $59 right up to $89 to install.

The beauty of this system is very clear from the outset which is that no matter how many payments you process per day you pay no monthly subscription or percentage of your sale to the owners of Opencart to use their online store platform with eCommerce in 2018!

But this is not the best part of Opencart you see when you take payments over the telephone you can do this too and it is easy to do if you’re smart like I am. You see with Opencart you are allowed to process payment manually on the online screen option as if you are a customer trying to purchase a product or service online via an online shop. Now Opencart can also be used in the same way for payments made over the telephone, let say a customer call you on your business telephone number and say I want to buy your product her is the card details I can give you over the phone to process my order now.

So what you would do is very politely say I am now logging into the (company name) secure telephone payment system this may take a few seconds. Once you click on your online store, ask the customer on the telephone line which product he would like to buy. The customer may say I will like to buy this product and so on, then you will click on that product click Buy and process to cart. Once you in cart ask the customer the address details he or she would like the product delivered to, once this process is completed you then will be directed to the online payment screen.

In the payment screen, you will tell the customer that the call recording system, if you have one, will be placed on hold and I will be ready now to take your card details. Then you take the card details and process the order as normal always thank the customer for their service and hang up the call when the order has been processed successfully. This method I have used myself and I know many other people have also used to process orders over the telephone. The order is processed in the same way as if the customer was making the payment themselves on the internet via your online store, sale websites or other. But in this case, you have processed the customer order yourself manually online via your online store, sale websites or other with the card details provided to you by the customer.

Now you may be thinking how about products which are not listed in my online store but my company sells them through via a sale website with a PayPal link. well, you do the same process for the Paypal payment screen as you did for the Opencart, basically what you are doing is being as an official telephone payment agent for your business by manually processing the telephone payment via your online store, sale website or others manually in 2018.

The issue is not a lot of people know that they can do this or have never thought about it, as they believe that you need an expensive computer with a dedicated business telephone line and a chip and pin machine online 24/7. The truth is no you do not need all this and pay through the nose for it as there is a near to free service you can use today in 2018!

I hope you have found this home business blog post useful, any question, comments or feedback you may have please do leave your comments in the below comments section and we will try to answer all your question in regards to this article very soon.

Copyright © 2018 Mr. Tony Ricco Gucinari

Learn How To Become Successful By Never Giving Up In 2018

Learn How To Become Successful By Never Giving Up In 2018

In today’s home-based business blog post we will be looking at how you can learn to become successful by never giving up today in 2018. have there been time when you say “I can’t do this” imagine how your live would have changed for tehbetter if you have sticked it out and learnt that new skill, qualifcation for business knowdlege in 2018! I myself am have to admit in the past when I was younger and more naive I left half way through a college courses only to regret it years later when I learnt a few of my old school friend who didn’t give up went on to graduate from university and into great employments. At the time I thought and so would many of you who are reading this blog post, It fine, I can pick it up next year or take a year out, But what you forget is that next year never comes and before you know it it have been five years and you still havent gone back to your college course!

The key point to this is never to give up and keep fighting every single day or get the help to keep going on where others have stop fighting and gaven up. You own it to yourself to never give up and to keep fighting for your business success and future. You see in many ways it was written for me to have my very own home-based business. I am my own boss and I can earn what I like where my college friends work for a boss and salary and there is nothing wrong with this but do they get true freedom to do what they want when they want?

Being your own boss gives you that freedom to do what you want and when you want without any boss looking over your shoulder in 2018! And it all starts with never giving up in 2018! Remeber there will be people out there who will want you have worked hard for in 2018! So be very careful who you make friends with and what you disclose to them.

I hope you have found this home business blog post useful, any question, comments or feedback you may have please do leave your comments in the below comments section and we will try to answer all your question in regards to this article very soon.

Copyright © 2018 Mr. Tony Ricco Gucinari

Top Product Launch Tips Video For Your Next Product Launch In 2018

Top Product Launch Tips Video For Your Next Upcoming Product Launch In 2018

In today home-based business blog post we will be looking at how you can launch your product for your business today in 2018. The main purpose of any product launch is to create a buzz before, during and after your ptroduct launch so people know what they are buying into and why plus the value factor too. Most product launch consist of many stages to them so I have narrowed this down to just four for you so you can stay focused on the main key points for your product launch in 2018.

Stage 1 – The pre-pre launchstage, this is where you will conduct your social media marketing or in my case you will just use mailing list either customer who have pruchased a similar product to the one which you are selling or for that matter an emailing list both can be odtained from list brokers in the U.K in 2018.

Stage 2- The pre-launch, Now before your launch your product it is best to start advertsingsome free PR via your mailing list, blog websites or audience that you will be launching a product very soon and to 2watch This Space In 2018″. You can also pay for PR via mass media this will depend on your budget and time scale.

Stage 3  – The launch, this is an exciting time as you will have launched your product, the best thing to do is keep your mailing list of customer contact updated daily with freash content, videos and blog post of how well your product launch is going.

Stage 4 – The Post launch, this is very important as you will evaluate your response and then tweak the next product launch to be even bigger and better than the last one in 2018.

I hope you have found this home business blog post useful, any question, comments or feedback you may have please do leave your comments in the below comments section and we will try to answer all your question in regards to this article very soon.

Copyright © 2018 Mr. Tony Ricco Gucinari

How To Start A Home Based Business To Do List For Today In 2018

How To Start A Home Based Business To Do List For Today In 2018

How To Start A Home Based Business To Do List For Today In 2018

In today’s home-based business blog post we will be looking at how you can start a home-based business by following some steps which I will outline below for you in 2018. Now, If you are looking to start a home business chances are that you have done a lot of research into this venture either online or off line in 2018. The point is starting a home business can be very profitable in more ways than one for the right market or niche market. A lot of people believe that they have thought about everything that goes into a home business for their needs in 2018, only to find out that they have forgotten some very important aspects to the whole process which I will detail below for you. Below are a few things that you may have forgotten that you will definitely need to address before you get started with your home-based business venture today in 2018!

Step 1 – Working at home is completely different than working in an office or the 9 to 5 job routine. Many people forget that there are a lot of distractions that go along with working from home like children, pets and the phone ringing. When you are running a home business you will have to contend with distractions such as the television and radio in 2018. You will also have to be able to deal with any other family members that are going to be home with you or maybe home away from school, work or university. Your kids may not be able to tell the difference between work time and play time. This presents a lot of problems to people that run a home business so you have to find a space away from these distractions.

Step 2 – If you run a home business you are going to need to have a lot of self-discipline and patience. You are going to be your only boss, which means that there will be nobody looking over your shoulder telling you what to do or how to get things done or how to meet deadlines. Without this sort of supervision many people end up slacking off. If you want to run a successful home business you need to be able to stay on track day in and day out 7 days per week until your business really start flying in 2018.

Step 3 – Now, when you run a home business you are responsible for all of your supplies either home or business supplies. Many people forget to budget for this and this can be a pain in the end if you run out of supplies. Remember, if your computer crashes it is your responsibility to get it fixed or if both your computer and laptop crash then the best thing i would suggest is to invest in a portal external hard drive which can back up Terabytes of informationin 2018. You know longer have an IT team that you can call to help out. You will also be responsible for buying your own supplies when you need them like ink for the printers, office supllies and PC hardwares or softwares in 2018..

Step 4 – As a home business owner you are in charge of every facet of your business from sales, ordering, suplies and onlinw website updating plus social media. This means that you will not only have to make sales and take care of marketing, but you will also be in charge of accounts payable and accounts receivable plus much more in 2018.

Step 5 – Home business owners are in charge of their own incorpoation or VAT taxes for 2018. When you run a home business there are no taxes being deducted from your paycheck every month. This means that if don’t want to go to jail you are going to have to pay your own taxes throughout the year in 2018. This is usually too much for a home business owner to handle alone, so you will have to hire a professional to assist you or a good accountant firm would be ideal. A home business can be very profitable, but make sure that you know exactly what you are getting into before you start in 2018.

I hope you have found this home business blog post useful, any question, comments or feedback you may have please do leave your comments in the below comments section and we will try to answer all your question in regards to this article very soon.

Copyright © 2018 Mr. Tony Ricco Gucinari

How To Use a Website to Market Your Business Today In 2018

How To Use a Website to Market Your Business Today In 2018

How To Use a Website to Market Your Business Today In 2018

In today’s home-based business blog post we will be looking at how you can use a website to market you business today in 2018. In 2018, there are many different ways to advertise your business on the Internet in 2018. Placing banner ads, starting an email marketing campaign and tactfully mentioning your business on industry forums in your nuche market and message boards are just a few of the popular options for Internet marketing. Another Internet marketing strategy involves creating and advertising a website to promote your business such as a blog website. You can use your website in a number of ways in 2018. Some of these ways include providing more information about your business and the products or services you offer to your audience, letting potential customers know how to reach you and even selling your products and services via the website and so on.

Some advantages to using a website to market your business on the Internet is that you can place descriptions and photos of the products or services your business offers alongside a linki to your online store which can be a simple website sale page or a fully functioning multi page online store in 2018. This is important because many consumers use the Internet when researching products and services in 2018. Having an online presence gives your business an advantage over the competition because consumers are much more likely to select your products or services over the products and services offered by your competitors who do not advertise online or even have any online presence in 2018.

Another advantage to marketing your business on a website is you can use the website to not only market but also sell your products directly like an online store in 2018. Again this can give you an edge over the direct competition and so on. Still another advantage to using a website to market your business is the ability to reach a large, worldwide audience with google anaylitics and SEO. The Internet essentially knows no boundaries and advertising on a website means the business owner can reach competitors around the world instead of being limited to their local area. Advertising via other medium such as television, radio and the print media like mass-media is somewhat limited and may only reach potential customers in a relatively small geographic area.

Another advantage to using a website to market your business is the Internet is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a aweek around the world. This essentially offers you a storefront which is open 24 hours a day. While your competitors may be limited to their regular business hours, your website will enable you to reach your customers at any hour of the day 365 days of the year. This is especially important for reaching potential customers in other time zones and for reach customers in your own area who are simply too busy to shop for products or services like the ones you offer during regular business hours or home country of business operations. Many potential customers work long hours and appreciate the ability to research and shop online after hours.

One final advantage to using a website to market your business is you can actually generate a profit from your website in other ways than through sales to customers in 2018. You can also use your website to generate income by selling advertising space to other business owners who are marketing their own products and services on the Internet like banner marketing or advertising space. However, care should be taken when advertising on your website. First of all you should not sell advertising space to direct competitors who are in competition with you in the same niche market. This is important because this may cause you to lose potential business if potential customers opt to purchase product or services from your competitors who advertise on your website. An ideal advertiser is one who offers products and services which do not directly compete with your own products or services but would be of interest to your potential customers in 2018. You should also take care not to place too many advertisements on your website. This is important because too many advertisements may detract from your business and may cause you to lose potential customers in the lon-term for your business.

I hope you have found this home business blog post useful, any question, comments or feedback you may have please do leave your comments in the below comments section and we will try to answer all your question in regards to this article very soon.

Copyright © 2018 Mr. Tony Ricco Gucinari

How To Do What The Rest 99.99% Will Not Do To Become Successful

How To Do What The Rest 99.99% Will Not Do To Become Successful

In today’s home-based business blog post we will be focusing on the “Success factors” you will need to have to do what the 99.99% of the population is not preapred to do in order to become extremely successful in 2018! Success is a victory won with bitter countless defeats along the way towards your personal journey of success in 2018! Life is about judging the situation, taking opportunities and going with your gut feeling. I have taken countless opportunites not all of these were successful but the experience learnt was far more rewarding than the outcome of these small defeats along the way towards my journey of my business success in 2018!

If there is one lession you can learn and take awy from my home-based business post and website that is this; never, ever give up keep fighting everyday until you become successful in your business in 2018!

Be very careful who make friends with both old and new if they are not full supportive without any question asked please drop them like a hot stone  they will not benefit you in the long term and in fact quite the oppoersite may destroy in in the end. You have to be prepared to defend what is your right to be successful, wealthly and extremely rich via your route for your business, you see the rest of the 99.99% population will if given a chance not only stop you but they will distory you in the long term if allowed to do so.

I hope you have found this home business blog post useful, any question, comments or feedback you may have please do leave your comments in the below comments section and we will try to answer all your question in regards to this article very soon.

Copyright © 2018 Mr. Tony Ricco Gucinari

How To Riase capital For Your Business Via Crowdfunding Today In 2018

How To Riase capital For Your Business Via Crowdfunding Today In 2018

How To Riase capital For Your Business Via Crowdfunding Today In 2018

In today’s home-based business blog post we will be looking at how you can raise much needed capital for your business today via the crowdfunding route in 2018! With crowdfunding websites such as Kickstart, Diegogo and JustGive you will be spoilt for choice in 2018! I have know a few businesswho have approached high street lender in order to expand and grow further but were refused the business capital due to one reason or another in 2018! I have found alternative methods to raise much needed business capital for many firms in two major cities in the U.K for various clients of mine who required capital asap due to business growth, expandition and emergancy capital in 2018!

Kickstarter, Kickstart, Diegogo and JustGive do spealise in giving much needed business capital to established or start-up business in the U.K and oversea in returns for rewards and pledges to their donors who invest in their business via crowdfunding campaign in 2018! If you have been turned away from the high street lenders in 2018! then crowdfunding route can be a life-saver for your small business especially when to come to raising much needed small term or long term business capital.

On the subject of rasing small or long term business capital it is important to weigh up the pros and cons of each crowdfunding platforms when it comes to fees, admin fees and other fees when you have reached your set crowdfunding goal. For example let say you want to raise £100,000.00 for your small business firm once your crowdfunding have raised £100,000.00 for your firm via rewards and pledges you make to your crowd in return for this £100,000.00 you must make sure you pay the crowdfunding platform fees, admin fees and any other fee linked to your crowdfunding campaign!

I hope you have found this home business blog post useful, any question, comments or feedback you may have please do leave your comments in the below comments section and we will try to answer all your question in regards to this article very soon.

Copyright © 2018 Mr. Tony Ricco Gucinari

Want To be Successful Today In 2018 Not In 5 Years Time!

Want To be Successful Today In 2018 Not In 5 Years Time!

In today’s home-based business blog post we will look at what it will take for you to be successful today in 2018 Not in 5 years time! Learn to become addicted to success, live and breath it never say i can never do this or any other task, just have the will and drive to suceed in your life in 2018! Life is not going to be perfect all of the time you will have to take the lows with the highs and the set backs with the successes in 2018! The more you set you eyes on your lifelong goals the more drive and passion you will have to achieve them right now today in 2018 not in 5 years time! Life is not easy nor is running any type of business enterprise and saying this you must have passion to succeed in the first place which is why passion and action are the two most important “Success factors” you need right now today in 2018.

You will have to learn fast in 2018 as most of the people you hang around now will not be there when you hit the success factor in a few years time. You see if you have negative people in your life, cut them out like a cancer and never go back as they will drag you down. If you have store cards and credits cards get rid of them asap and pay off what you own in 2018. Start saving for your future and don’t tell your best friend how much you have keep that between you and the bank manager. Be careful of new friends and never give any business information out without getting paid for it in 2018!

I hope you have found this home business blog post useful, any question, comments or feedback you may have please do leave your comments in the below comments section and we will try to answer all your question in regards to this article very soon.

Copyright © 2018 Mr. Tony Ricco Gucinar